Friday, October 7, 2011

Final Election Results

Here are the result of the Ottawa West Nepean race:

Polls In: 287/287

CandidatesTotal Votes
Bob Chiarelli 41.6%18,492
Randall Denley 39.3%     17,483
Wendy Byrne14.8%6,578
Alex Hill3.3%1,485
John Pacheco 0.9%396

I want to thank all of my campaign supporters and donors.  Results are lower than we were hoping for, but during an election where the economy is the number one issue, smaller parties like the FCP suffer.  That's been my experience.

The FCP will continue to highlight and promote principles and policies which help support the natural family.

John Pacheco
FCP Candidate
Ottawa West Nepean

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Metro Article on Smaller Parties

...John Pacheco, running in Ottawa West-Nepean, is one of three Family Coalition Party candidates in Ottawa.

“Our approach is to look at everything through the lens of the family,” said Pacheco. That includes taxation, education and “respect for human life.”

“The big drawback from smaller parties like ours is that you’ll find voters, even people who are conservatively minded, say ‘It’s a wasted vote,’” he said. If people voted their principles, instead of strategically, it would impact the policies of the mainstream parties, he said.... (Source)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The State Does Not Grant Children’s Well-Being

"Children do not derive their psychosocial and emotional well-being from legal rights granted to them by the state. Rather, a child's well-being is optimally nurtured within a stable family setting with parents who are loving, affirming, protective, directive, and committed to one another. It is true that the state can augment such a setting, but well-being must first begin within the home." (American Academy of Pediatrics)

Ontario Deserves Better

Which brings us to Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak. We wanted to endorse him today.

From the start of this campaign we waited for him to come out swinging against big government, high taxes, runaway debt and greedy public sector unions.

But his platform — while better than his opponents — is not the robust, fiscally conservative agenda Ontario needs in these difficult economic times. It fails to curb provincial deficits or balance our budget until 2017/18, mimics McGuinty polices we can’t afford, like all-day kindergarten, and increases health care and other spending.

That’s why we are not endorsing any of the three party platforms. (Source)
 If the Toronto Sun's editorial is reflective of the mood in the general population, non-establisment political parties like the FCP might stand to do better than in the past this election.