Each human being has innate worth, unique potential and inherent dignity from conception to natural death. All human beings need to be protected, by other individuals and, if necessary by government, from any threat to their life. Without life, any other right is meaningless; any other human activity or government activity is meaningless. The family has an important and necessary role in protecting and nurturing life. This role makes the family, rather than the individual, the basic building block of our society. When families are strong and prosperous, democracy and economic enterprise flourish. We need to have compassion for those whose lives are in the balance or diminished, either due to illness, or external factors. They all have the primary right, the right to life, without which all subsequent rights are irrelevant. The FCP wants to assist people of conscience in restoring the health care system so that it is used exclusively for healing. We say affirrm Life and reject the engineered Death of the very young or the old and frail. We want to heal and help the recovery of those who are ill and hurting to the fullness of life, in opposition to the culture of death. We want the people to understand that we, the Family Coalition Party, are the only party in Ontario provincial politics that upholds and promotes the traditional family and the right to life.
i. Informed Consent - An informed
consent law so that women have all the information about the health consequences
of abortion to both themselves and the child. All women (and men for that
matter) should have all of the information presented to them about this
procedure and the very real and adverse consequences of having it committed on
them. Abortion is a defeat for humanity and the greatest destoyer of peace and
respect for human life. If women avail themselves of this option under current
Canadian law, it should be with full and complete knowledge.
ii. Support for Pregnant Women - The Family Coalition Party will expand current government programs in order to extend full support to pregnant women, as needed, in the following areas: food, housing, clothing and health needs. The provincial government will also support those voluntary organizations selected by pregnant women to provide them with lodging and physical security, psychological and spiritual counseling, education, marriage preparation courses, parenting courses and information resources.
iii. Adoption Tax Credits - The Family Coalition Party shall legislate sizeable additional tax credits for those families that choose to adopt children.
iv. Abstinence - Since the
problem of abortion is largely due to an incorrect view of sex, the Family
Coalition Party will support programs encouraging abstinence in public
v. Mandatory Cooling Off Period -
Doctors performing abortions in Ontario will be required to inform the
Ministry of Health of any request for an abortion procedure, and will be
forbidden to proceed with the abortion for at least 48 hours from such
registered time.
vi. Parental Consent - When the
applicant for abortion is a minor, the doctor shall require the parents or legal
guardians of the expectant mother to accompany the minor before the abortion
request is registered with the Ministry of Health.
vii. Statistical Disclosure - Full and complete disclosure of abortion related statistics (age of fetus, mother's age, circumstances of the abortion, etc.) to help formulate public policy to reduce the occurrences of unwanted pregnancies.