Media Reports

...John Pacheco, running in Ottawa West-Nepean, is one of three Family Coalition Party candidates in Ottawa.

“Our approach is to look at everything through the lens of the family,” said Pacheco. That includes taxation, education and “respect for human life.”

“The big drawback from smaller parties like ours is that you’ll find voters, even people who are conservatively minded, say ‘It’s a wasted vote,’” he said. If people voted their principles, instead of strategically, it would impact the policies of the mainstream parties, he said.... (Source)


It’s time for Ontario to return to traditional family values, said John Pacheco, Family Coalition Party candidate for Ottawa West-Nepean.  Ontario families need support from the government to cover the costs of child care, at-home care for seniors and private education or home schooling, said the 42-year-old Ottawa accountant. “I believe we need an alternative voice in the province – that’s why I’m running with the Family Coalition Party, because I agree with its principles,” said Pacheco. “It’s important for family issues to front and centre in any policy we put forward to the public.”...

Many of Ontario’s problems stem from having an aging population with a low birth rate, leaving the province without enough young people to enter the workforce to provide tax revenues to sustain seniors’ benefits.

“It’s what I call a culture of death,” said Pacheco. “All of this is in part because of our reticence of the government to not promote strong family values.”

“If (voters) want a real change, then they need to send a message real change, and that’s to vote outside the box,” said Pacheco. (Source)


EMC News - An accountant in the commercial real estate development industry, Family Coalition Party candidate John Pacheco has lived in Ottawa West for the past 15 years.


He believes present taxation laws discriminate against families who would prefer to have one spouse work only part-time or stay at home full-time and advocates for a transferable child care credit that follows the child. Pacheco is also campaigning for reformation of the public sector, reducing the deficit by a minimum of $2 billion a year, offering independent school choices to parents and supports policies allowing families to choose the care for their seniors that are best suited for their family situation.

A social conservative activist, Pacheco has organized large rallies in defense of marriage and freedom.

He co-founded a private Catholic school and promoted private Catholic education in Ontario. Pacheco serves on the board of directors of a pro-life organization, organizing grassroots efforts to pray for the end of abortion in Canada.... (Source)