1) What is John Pacheco's Campaign about?
To attempt to demonstrate that the traditional family is the best social program going. Saves money, ensures stability, creates prosperity, provides fulfillment and happiness. Since the dawn of creation, government has not come up with a better program and never will.
2) Why is John Pacheco
running as a candidate in the 2011 provincial election for Ottawa
John Pacheco is running so that he
may work and advocate on behalf of the constituents of Ottawa West-Nepean as a
conservative member of provincial parliament and a staunch
supporter of the traditional family. John is giving the people in Ottawa
West-Nepean an opportunity to vote for a Party, the Family Coalition Party of
Ontario, which shares their conviction about preserving the traditional family.
3) If John Pacheco really is
conservative, why is he running as a candidate against the Progressive
Conservative Party’s nominated candidate?
He is running to ensure that voters
in Ottawa West-Nepean have a fiscally and socially conservative choice in the
upcoming election. Unfortunately, today's Progressive Conservative
Party is too liberal in both its economic and social outlook. In contrast, the only pro-life and
fiscally conservative provincial party today is the Family Coalition Party of
Ontario which has a bold vision in not only defending traditional family values
but also in the areas of education and health care reform.
4) Is John Pacheco a
single-issue candidate running solely on the issue of abortion or other "social issues", or
are their other issues he is running on as well?
There are many other issues. "Family values" is not simply a moral
dimension to a political position. It eventually affects all areas of our
culture, including crime, health care, pensions, education, and taxes, to name
but a few of them. The ability to sustain our social programs is dependent on
strong, healthy families. The state of the family in Ontario, in Canada, and
indeed throughout the western world is in dire need of revival. Even Statistics
Canada and the United Nations have recognized the population implosion because
of a low birth rate. Immigration will not be able to address the very serious
consequences of the "birth dearth", and may even bring more problems of its
own. Ontario is digging its own grave. It's very simple. No children? No
future and no hope. Silly political jingles and superficial laws which do not
address the root of the problem will get us no where, except wasting precious
time which we do not have.
5) Does John Pacheco even
have a realistic chance at winning. Why should I vote for him on October
In order to advance social
conservatism and protect the traditional family, the politicians who represent
the main stream parties need to understand that there is the political will
among voters to vote for smaller parties like the Family Coalition Party. Only
when social conservatives stand up and refuse to compromise their core beliefs
will real change start to happen. It might not happen with a Family Coalition
Party government, but it will be reflected in the political reality as the
mainstream parties court a growing social conservative vote. Furthermore,
social conservatives need to understand that voting for a socially conservative
candidate is, first and foremost, an investment in the future. Victory does not
come overnight, but depends on past successes, support, and momentum from
previous elections. Therefore, let us put away the crippling tendency to
compromise our vote and instead vote for what we believe so the political
establishment gets the message!