Thursday, September 8, 2011

When it comes to education, consider we have spent 53% more on education budgets since 2003, with little or no improvement. Please do not blame the teachers - most are doing all they can. 

There is another factor that leads to positive results - parents valuing the program. Why is it that the Catholic system consistently does better than the secular public on provincial tests - it is becuase more of the parents value the system and that value is transferred to the student.

Even the controversial Equity policy talks about students needing an education environment they are comfortable in. The need, however, is for an education environment that leads to better learning - not one designed by the politically correct police, or specifcally to address the needs of a special interest group, that the system forces upon our students - a one size fits all that actually does not fit most students.
The education system needs to listen to the parents and develop programs that the parents and children value. This has happened in Edmonton Public School Board where they offer 32 altervative programs that parents and students value (alternative programs that emphasize a subject area, language, or accommodate for a faith). Parents decide which alternaitve best fits their needs and then select. Student achievement increases, costs of programs actually decrease (less graffiti, materials last longer, etc.). How many families take advantage of this - 55% of the students attending Edmonton Public Schools attend a program of choice , not their local community school. 

Research demonstratess that students in an environment that their parents value, perform 1.4 grade levels higher on standardized tests.

FCP has a plan for improving education. It involves far more thought, strategy, and maturity than "let's make everyon think we are doing somethin by spending more money." Listen to your FCP candidate. Visit the FCP website for more details.

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